Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009

Cold weather--what's the point?
How long is a good nap?
I'm blogging next week on the best American poetry blog.
Undergrads love to write about murder and suicide like It's funny.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11, 2009, 7:40pm

I'm grumpy tonight.  Also a little drunk.  Ugh.
Cal still hasn't fallen asleep.  Bet he's grumpy too.  He was all day.  Double ugh.
By the time Miles Davis entered his artistic maturity--beginning maybe at the very end of the 40s, but really kicking in during the mid 50s--Jazz was more art music than pop music.  For Louis Armstrong, it was always more pop than art.
I hate everything.
Except for some things, which I like.
Tony Williams was one of the best drummers ever to play drums.  He was playing a different instrument than his predisessors--one he invented, and which every drummer since him has been playing.  Except, perhaps, for drummers who learned from Elvin Jones, who also invented a new instrument.  Of course, everyone after them has been playing both their instruments, which, in fact, are the drums.
It don't get much profounder than that.  Or do it?

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009, 9pm

Those who think Obama hasn't eared the peace prize are missing the point: he has restored some of the world's faith in America and how it does or might deploy it's considerable power.
I love the little family at the heart of CALIFORNICATION, however implausible. We are watching season 2. Hank and Karen keep falling back into each others arms just to bait us along.
Got the flu shot today. Eagerly awaiting the swine flu vaccine next month.
Rain is lame.
It's only 9:00.
George Coleman.
The development of jazz--from pop to art.
I didn't read for fun till I was 15. A year later I started smoking...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6, 2009, 7:45pm

Today is about Louis Armstrong.  I'm reading Terry Teachout's upcoming bio on him, so I thought I'd catch up on his music.  It's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be to hear how and why the early Hot Fives sessions were revolutionary, at least why they were, and are, exciting.
In many ways, Armstrong's early music has more to do with contemporary dance music--club music--than contemporary jazz.  It's all about emphasizing the beat...1, 2, 3, 4.  Sometimes just - 2 - 4.
So much life takes place between beats 2 and 4.
I get addicted to hearing new music...downloading has only made this worse.
I always want new jazz, new chances to think my way through the music.
Email has made us all crazy.  Me crazy.  Look at John Freeman's upcoming book THE TYRANNY OF EMAIL.
Relaxing means not being aware of when the time begins and ends.  Infinity between 2 and 4.  But then there's pleasure in waiting for the inevitable downbeat.
I keep thinking my gmail inbox says 20 unread messages, when it really says 19.  What's wrong with me?
How could something so wrong feel so right?
New Sesame Street character: Kook-E monster.  E is for E-mail and that's good enough for me.

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 11:51pm

How stupid am I to be up this late? Very stupid. Cal's inner clock has no mercy. But my mind won't quite shut it's trap.
Apple: I don't want a tablet that runs my iPhone apps in widescreen. I want a little PC I can read and word process on. You're not listening, are you Apple?
People who run red lights are very evil.
Bought the pipe tobacco I like today to replace the one that's too sweet.
Monk's "We See" is one of my favorite jazz tunes. I love versions by Ellery Eskalin and Paul Motian best.
One FB status update at a time ain't enough fer me. No way.
I wish I could go see jazz every night.
Should I learn to play the piano?
In ten years as a self taught guitarist, I've learned stunningly little. But I can strum nicely.
Louis Armstrong led an interesting life.
I'm almost tired. But not quite.
In a minute it's tomorrow.

October 5, 2009, 6pm

A live jazz trio is playing behind me in wash sq. Park, but I'd prefer to listen to the jazz in my headphones. Which is not yo say the live guys ain't good.
New York needs to be tuned out sometimes. It has a way of crawling into one's pores.
What's with squirrels? What do they really want?
And what about me? What do I want.
Too much thought and nowhere to think it.
A big dog lauches toward the dog run gate.
Weren't they going to get rid of these concrete mounds (what a fun word)? I think rats live in them.
I can blog from anywhere. I don't care. Look at my hair.
Legalize blogging.
A guy tried to sell me a poem today. Said it would make the world a better place.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3,2009, 8:25pm

Reading Terry Teachout's forthcoming bio of Louis Armstrong, POPS. There's no contemporary equivalent for the kind of worldwide celebrity he was. Michael Jackson is the closest in recent history.
Jazz is what WCW calls "music not addressed wholly to the ear. "
Want to invent a Snuggy for the legs with an open back. Call it the Snuggy South.
I don't know when the best moments are happening.
Piano lessons? At 30.
No mail today. Why? Why!
Early Stfon Harris sounds like Dave Holland Quintet. DHQ bores me.
Only the boring are bored.