Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11, 2009, 7:40pm

I'm grumpy tonight.  Also a little drunk.  Ugh.
Cal still hasn't fallen asleep.  Bet he's grumpy too.  He was all day.  Double ugh.
By the time Miles Davis entered his artistic maturity--beginning maybe at the very end of the 40s, but really kicking in during the mid 50s--Jazz was more art music than pop music.  For Louis Armstrong, it was always more pop than art.
I hate everything.
Except for some things, which I like.
Tony Williams was one of the best drummers ever to play drums.  He was playing a different instrument than his predisessors--one he invented, and which every drummer since him has been playing.  Except, perhaps, for drummers who learned from Elvin Jones, who also invented a new instrument.  Of course, everyone after them has been playing both their instruments, which, in fact, are the drums.
It don't get much profounder than that.  Or do it?

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